I have been running a mailing list for sometime to keep in touch with local people about when I am teaching workshops and selling my jewellery. It has been getting a little cumbersome so I decided to investigate Mail Chimp as a tool for keeping it a bit more organised and most importantly keeping everyone's data safe!
Mail Chimp has lots of tools and enables me to make subgroups within the list of people interested in different things. So I am now opening my mailing list up to people who live further away but may want information on when I finally get that online shop up and running, or want to know when I release another tutorial.
So you will find it over there on the top left ' Subscribe to our newsletter' and there are some boxes you can tick to say what you would like information on. I will try and keep it relevant to you! I'd be interested to see where people are from so do fill in the Location box - just a city or a country. That'll help me keep it more relevant to you too. If you live in Canada I won't email you to invite you to a sale in my house in the UK - although it'd be great if you could all come!!
I would love to show you the new jewellery I've been working on but it's for a surprise so I had better keep it quiet for now. I'll show you as soon as I can!
Learning to Knit? Try a Garter Stitch Washcloth
2 hours ago
Hello Cara, how are you? I have signed up and will confirm my e-mail tomorrow as it is getting late .... It will be lovely to meet up again soon! I have been practising my clay. xx